Publications on assessment in VE and online learning
Publications on assessment in virtual exchange and online learning
Cotter, M., & Hinkelman, D. (2019). Video assessment module: self, peer, and teacher post performance assessment for learning. In F. Meunier, J. Van de Vyver, L. Bradley & S. Thouësny (Eds), CALL and complexity – short papers from EUROCALL 2019 (pp. 94-99).
Although the article does not describe assessment in a virtual exchange course, the adopted approach may inspire teachers involved in designing assessment in virtual exchange. The authors present practical tools that support video recordings of student presentations and post-performance assessment (including self- and peer assessment) on the basis of clearly defined criteria presented in the form of rubrics. The presented assessment approach is based on open-source Moodle module developed by Sapporo Gakuin University.
Dooly, M. (ed.) (2008). Telecollaborative Language Learning: A guidebook to moderating intercultural collaboration online. Bern: Peter Lan
This practical handbook offers hands-on ideas that guide practitioners throughout the entire telecollaborative process – from finding partners, designing tasks and selecting appropriate tools to assessing student learning and evaluating project outcomes. Additionally, practical suggestions on how to design peer or group assessment and to use Bloom’s taxonomy to write assessment rubrics can be found in the “idea bank”.
Ferreira-Lopes, L., Bezanilla, M. J., & Elexpuru, I. (2018). Integrating Intercultural Competence development into the curriculum through Telecollaboration. A task sequence proposal for Higher Education. Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), (58). doi:10.6018/red/58/7
The article offers a detailed sequence of collaborative tasks in higher education, including a clearly defined assessment plan and a list of learning outcomes for intercultural virtual teamwork.
Guariento, W., Rolinska, A. & Al-Masri, N. (2018). Constructive content-based feedback in EAP contexts: lessons from a cross-border engineering-related pre-sessional course, Higher Education Research & Development, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2018.1430124
The text focuses on the value of peer teaching and learning as an attempt to ensure a more effective exchange of knowledge and language between the telecollaborative partners. It discusses the constructive feedback course (whose content is freely available) that helped to prepare the students to become e-tutors.
Guth, S., Helm F., & O'Dowd, R. (2012). University language classes collaborating online. A report on the integration of telecollaborative networks in European universities.
This report presents the results of the INTENT project, a large-scale project funded by the European Commission that aimed to explore virtual exchange practices in foreign language education at university level. Section 4.4.9 reports on teachers’ responses as regards the assessment content and methods in virtual exchanges. Additionally, some of the case studies outline approaches to assessing and acknowledging learning outcomes in virtual exchanges at tertiary level.
Hauck, M. and MacKinnon, T. (2016). A New Approach to Assessing Online Intercultural Exchanges: Soft Certification of Participant Engagement. In: O’Dowd, Robert and Lewis, Tim eds. Online Intercultual Exchange: Policy, Pedagogy, Practice. Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication (4). New York: Routledge, pp. 209–234.
The chapter discusses the use of soft certification in the form of badges as an incentive for participant engagement in virtual exchanges. The use of Open Badges is illustrated on the basis of a real virtual exchange between two European universities.
Helm, F. & Beaven, A. 2020. Designing and implementing virtual exchange – a collection of case studies.
This open-access collection of case studies presents a wide range of examples of real virtual exchange in language and content subjects organised as a part of Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Project. Each case study contains a separate section devoted to assessment and evaluation.
O’Dowd, R. (2010). Issues in the assessment of online interaction and exchange. In S. Guth, & F. Helm (Eds.), Telecollaboration 2.0 (pp. 337–360). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
The Author offers an overview of available literature that touches on the topic of assessment and discusses assessment practices reported by practitioners by means of interviews. The article concludes with examples of real assessment tools used in virtual exchanges (e.g. a scoring rubric, assessment criteria, portfolio instruction).
Open virtual mobility project ( Open Virtual Mobility self-assessment tool
Open Virtual Mobility self-assessment tool is an online tool was developed as part of the Open Virtual Mobility project. This tool, in the form of online surveys, allows students to self-assess students’ own virtual mobility skills in each of the 8 areas of the skills framework: 1 - Intercultural skills and attitudes; 2 - Interactive and collaborative learning in an authentic international environment; 3 - Autonomy-driven learning; 4 - Networked learning; 5 - Media and Digital Literacy; 6 - Active self-regulated learning skills; 7 - Open-mindedness and 8 - Gaining Knowledge of Virtual Mobility and Open Education. The tool is available in Open Virtual Mobility Learning Hub upon login.
Resources on assessment in online and distant learning
Kearns, L. R. (2012). Student assessment in online learning: Challenges and effective practices. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 8(3), 198-208.
Exploring new avenues of online assessment; EODLW 2020