About the project
ASSESSnet: Language assessment in virtual mobility initiatives at tertiary level – teachers’ beliefs, practices and perceptions
The general objective of the ASSESSnet project is to support foreign language (FL) practitioners in the process of assessing student learning in virtual exchanges, particularly in terms of selecting appropriate assessment content, criteria and tools. These practical recommendations will be formulated on the basis of research results centred around the following research objectives:
1. To explore the planning and implementation of the assessment process in virtual exchange (VE) projects in FL education.
2. To analyse the forms of assessment in VE projects (we will focus here on the relationship between summative and formative assessment and the use of specific assessment tools, e.g. tests, portfolios, projects, peer-assessment, etc.)
3. To identify the content of assessment in VM projects. This objective focuses on establishing what elements of learners’ activity and performance are subject to assessment in VM projects (e.g. FL competence, multimedia literacy, intercultural competence, quantity of input, transversal competences, etc.).
4. To investigate the teachers’ beliefs about different types of classroom assessment and content well as their perceptions of the effectiveness of assessment measures they use.
Hosting institution
- Starting date: 01.10.2019
- Ending date: 30.09.2021
- Funding entity: European Commission, Research Executive Agency, Horizon 2020
- Code: H2020-MSCA-IF-2018 845783
- Supervisor: Melinda Dooly, PhD
- Research fellow: Anna Czura, PhD