Anna Czura, PhD
I am a researcher, academic teacher and teacher trainer. My research interests centre around language assessment, intercultural competence, learning mobility (both face-to-face and virtual), CLIL and European language policy. Before commencing my academic career, I worked as an English teacher in lower and upper secondary school. The experience of working with mixed-ability groups sparked my interest in alternative forms of assessment, which resulted in a PhD dissertation titled “The influence of assessment type on the development of autonomy in lower secondary school learners”. I worked as an assistant professor in the Institute of English Studies at University of Wrocław in 2011-2019. I also act as the Polish Ministry of Education expert who certifies published teaching materials for school use. I participated in two projects supported by the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz: ‘PluriMobil: Mobility for sustainable plurilingual and intercultural learning' and ‘A Quality Assurance Matrix for CEFR Use’.
Currently I am employed as a post-doctoral researcher and Marie Curie fellow (MSCA IF) at the Department of Language & Literature Education and Social Science Education of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Melinda Dooly, PhD
Melinda Dooly holds a Serra Húnter fellowship as researcher and senior lecturer in the Department of Language & Literature Education and Social Science Education at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She teaches English as a Foreign Language Methodology (TEFL) and research methods courses, focusing on telecollaboration and technology-enhanced teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels. She has taught on short-term stays in different countries worldwide, including an honorary lectureship at the Institute of Education University College London. Her principal research addresses technology-enhanced project-based language learning, intercultural communication and 21st century competences in teacher education. She has published widely in international journals and authored chapters and books in this area of study. She is founding (retired) editor of Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature and co-editor of the book series Telecollaboration in Education (Peter Lang). She is lead researcher of GREIP: Grup de Recerca en Ensenyament i Interacció Plurilingües (Research Centre for Teaching & Plurilingual Interaction)