Czura, A. & Dooly, M. (Eds.) (Due in September 2022) Assessing virtual exchange in foreign language courses at tertiary level. It will include the following chapters:

Table of content


Anna Czura & Melinda Dooly

Chapter 1. The Evolution of Virtual Exchange and Assessment Practices

Melinda Dooly

Chapter 2. Virtual Exchange: Issues in assessment

Anna Czura

Part I: Assessment tools in Virtual Exchange

Chapter 3. Learners’ diaries as a tool for teachers’ assessment in teletandem

Suzi Marques Spatti Cavalari & Solange Aranha

Chapter 4. Peer group mediation sessions as assessment tool in teletandem

Anna-Katharina Elstermann

Chapter 5. Peer assessment of process writing in a Virtual Exchange project

Anna Czura & Agnieszka M. Sendur

Chapter 6. TEAMMATES in Virtual Exchange: Tool and Tips for Peer Assessment.

Melinda Dooly

Part II: Case studies at tertiary level.

Chapter 7. Is (Inter)Cultural Competence Accessible? Assessing for Fluency

Grace Dolcini & Grit Matthias Phelps

Chapter 8. Assessing Intercultural Learning in Virtual Exchanges

Anastasia Izmaylova

Chapter 9. Developing Business Communication Skills through Virtual Exchange

Jean-François Vuylsteke |

Chapter 10. Assessment in the English for Academic Study Telecollaboration (EAST) Project – a case study

Ania Rolińska & Anna Czura

Dooly, M. & Czura, A. (2022). "Let's talk about Catalan's ;)": Student teachers' use of plurilingual and plurimodal resources in WhatsApp interaction. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.) Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analyzing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 200-211). London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003169123-16

Czura, A. & Baran-Łucarz, M. (2021). “A stressful unknown” or “an oasis”?: Undergraduate students’ perceptions of assessment in an in-class and online English practical phonetics course. Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura, 26(3), 623-641.

Czura, A. (2021). Virtual exchange in foreign language for specific purposes courses: Assessment strategies and tools. AELFE-TAPP 2021 Conference Proceedings.

Czura A. & Dooly, M. (2021). Foreign language assessment in virtual exchange – The ASSESSnet project. Collated Papers for the ALTE 7th International Conference. ALTE: Madrid. pp. 137-140

Dooly, M. & Tudini, V. (tbp 2022). 'We should google that': The dynamics of knowledge-in-interaction in an online student meeting. Classroom Discourse.


Czura, A. 2020. Assessment in virtual exchanges – teachers' beliefs and practices. Language Centres at a Crossroads: Open Directions for New Generations of Learners” CERCLES 2020 conference. 10-12 September 2020, Brno, Masaryk University. [virtual]

Czura, A. 2020. Teacher beliefs about foreign language assessment in virtual exchange. Open Classroom Conference (7-8.11.2020). [virtual]

Czura, A., Dooly, M. 2021. Foreign language assessment in virtual exchange – The ASSESSnet project. ALTE 7th International Conference [virtual, presenter: Anna Czura]

Czura, A., Baran-Łucarz. 2021. “Oaza” czy “stresująca niewiadoma” - Ocenianie wymowy na tradycyjnych i zdalnych zajęciach fonetyki: Z perspektywy studenta" ("An oasis" or "a stressful unknown" - students' perceptions of assessment in in-class and online classes of practical phonetics). PTN annual conference, May 2021, Lublin. [presentation in Polish]

Czura, A. 2021. Approaches to assessing content in Virtual Exchange in foreign language courses. INCOLLAB Conference, June 2021. Project website:

Czura, A. 2021. Virtual exchange in foreign language for specific purposes courses: Assessment strategies and tools. AELFE-TAPP 2021 Conference, 7-9 July 2021.

Czura, A. 2021. Assessment in Virtual Exchange in higher education: Stories of successful implementation. ECER 2021, Geneva (online). 6-10 September 2021.

Czura, A. 2021. Mediation sessions as a formative assessment tool in Virtual Exchange (workshop). MiLLAT Conference, Warsaw (online) 9 September 2021.

Czura, A. & Dooly, M. (2022). The HOW of peer assessment in Virtual Exchange projects [workshop]. Online dissemination forum "Developing skills and assessing students’ work in an online environment", Budapest Business School, 24 January 2022.

Czura, A. (moderator) (2022). Assessment in virtual exchange (round table discussion; invited speakers: Melinda Dooly, Rita Kóris, Ágnes Pál, Jean-François Vuylsteke, Jana Zverinova). "Developing skills and assessing students’ work in an online environment", Budapest Business School, 24 January 2022.